Our donors are so important and we accomplish a lot together.

We have had a number of fundraisers since the start up of the foundation. We are always interested in fundraising opportunities, partnerships, etc. to raise money and to promote our cause in helping those stricken with ALS.

Donors Levels of Giving

A huge shout out to the Wegman Family for hosting our event this year!!

Donor Shout-out - Let’s Roam Scavenger Hunts

Donor Shout-out

Proudly Partnering with the following organizations to support those with ALS.

The Jeff Weber Always Lifting Spirits Foundation can only achieve its goals with the assistance of generous donations from members of our community. Without these donations, serving those in our area would not be possible.

Thank you in advance for your generosity,
— The Family of Jeff Weber

Become a Donor

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and a member of our foundation will get back to you.